Peak fitness & health performance for all ages and abilities - VO2max │ body composition │ training │recovery
Highly experienced exercise physiologists at Melbourne Sports & Allied Health Clinic integrate precision science with expert interpretation and guidance, to ensure the most effective fitness, health and performance outcomes are achieved. Beneficiaries include athletes and non-athletes of all ages and abilities, who are interested in maximising their training and physical capacity outputs, via improvements in body composition; cardiorespiratory fitness; strength; metabolic economy; resilience and vitality. Physiological and body composition evaluations during different phases of training & targeted personal challenges or events, provides valuable information about specific physiological responses and adaptations, or limitations that effect physical capacity and performance.
Running or cycling VO2max, metabolic economy, anaerobic threshold, blood lactate, heart rate; training zones:
Oxygen consumed and delivered to contracting muscle is an important contributor to aerobic/endurance fitness and fundamental health metrics. The global gold standard evaluation to measure cardiorespiratory and metabolic function is the progressive intensity VO2max test: starting at approximate 50% intensity, progressing in 1-3-minute periods until fatigue. The total duration of the test is typically 10-20min. A face mask is secured around your head in order to continuously measure oxygen consumption, ventilation and respiration. Heart rate is also monitored continuously, and blood lactate (micro blood sample from a fingertip) taken every 1-3min, to identify how your body is using fuel during exercise, and how responsive your muscles are to a high level of exertion. You will also be asked to rate your interpretation of intensity during each stage (6-20 point BORG scale), which is then integrated with your physiological metrics. The sub-maximal periods provide steady state data, metabolic economy (including contribution of fats and carbohydrate to each stage of exercise intensity), and training zones that are specific to your physiological outputs.
Following the VO2max test, comprehensive feedback is provided by a highly experienced exercise physiologist, highlighting key results and recommendations that are realistic and unique to your physiology, training and health targets. From a health perspective, an increase in VO2max is a key contributor to reducing risk of developing metabolic and cardiovascular disease. The highest risk group for all-cause morbidity and mortality include individuals with a low VO2max (< Indeed, for individuals with or without common risk factors, a relatively small increase in VO2max contributes to an average decrease of 17–29% in non-fatal and 28–51% in fatal cardiac events, after adjustment for age (Laukkanen et al, 2004). Furthermore, data acquired during the VO2max test provides an extremely robust and reliable snapshot of how well, or poorly muscle, cardiovascular and metabolic systems in particular, are working together.
Our exercise physiologists have extensive experience assessing a vastly diverse range of individuals including healthy inactive and active adults and adolescents; heart transplant recipients; cancer patients; patients affected by chronic fatigue, long COVID; metabolic and cardiovascular disease; and amateur / professional athletes.
Body Composition:
Body composition is assessed via dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) which is a well-established and high precision technique for measuring bone mineral density (BMD), body fat and lean muscle mass. Body composition changes are often recommended to individuals for both performance and health benefits; which may include reducing visceral fat tissue (fat stored around vital organs) and subcutaneous fat tissue (under the skin); or increasing lean muscle mass or bone mineral density. DEXA scan is very safe, and there are no complications associated with the procedure. The radiation doses are very low, which, in fact, is less than one day’s exposure to natural environmental or background radiation. The average person in Australia receives about 1500 microsieverts every year from natural background radiation. The amount of radiation received from DEXA scan is approximately 4 microsieverts of radiation, which is well below the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) limit of 1000 microsieverts per annum (over and above natural background).
Expected outcomes: Following VO2max and DEXA assessments, you will be provided best practice guidelines on the most effective ways to improve cardiovascular fitness (including your specific training zones); strength; body composition; injury and illness prevention; or indeed a treatment plan to improve chronic health conditions.
Preparing for VO2max:
Similar to how you would normally prepare for a challenging training session. We advise to refrain from exercise, food and caffeine for ~3-4hrs prior to the test. If you are training the previous day, light or recovery paced exercise is advised. A medical questionnaire will be sent to you, and is required to be sighted by the administering physiologist prior to commencing the test. You will wear your regular exercise training apparel.
Preparing for DEXA:
In preparation for DEXA, it is helpful to wear clothing which is loose fitting and free of metallic attachments such as buttons, zippers, buckles, wired bras and fasteners. You will also need to remove any attached metallic devices, such as jewelry. You must notify the practitioner if you think you could be pregnant. DO NOT schedule your DEXA scan within one week of having a barium x-ray, a nuclear medicine study or an injection of x-ray dye. Prior to your test, do not eat a heavy meal or exercise vigorously. DEXA is a simple and fast procedure, involving no injections and is not painful. You will be required to lie face up on a padded table for ~5 minutes.
Blood test:
We recommend participants who are affected by chronic health conditions (including fatigue) or who are embarking on weight loss to undertake a blood test (10-12hr fasted). Our blood test orders are specified in accordance to an individuals health history and specific adaptive targets. We typically order metabolic; organ function; immune function; inflammatory; lipids; and various hormone panels.
VO2max - $400 (including blood lactate) or $350 (not including blood lactate)
DEXA referral - $30
DEXA - $120
Blood test - POA
Click here for more information, and about booking for VO2 and DEXA.
Fasted blood test fee is determined by your specific pre-evaluation health status and risk assessment
Private health insurance extras (exercise physiology) rebates are available.
Bookings: DEXA and VO2max tests are commonly undertaken in sequence on the same day.
For VO2max tests, go to and click on the bookings link and select VO2max. For DEXA, go to and click on the bookings link and select the 2nd option “quick scan”. DEXA scan should be completed prior to the VO2max test.